Taking things for granted

We are always taking things for granted like we own it. We act like it’s our property and don’t appreciate it but, what we don’t know is that it can easily be taken away from  us. And when that happens we will be left alone with nothing and we will feel great regret for not appreciating what we had and not trying to make the most of it.

we take a lot of things for granted but the top 3 things we take for granted are Money, family and health and for each one of these things i have a story that taught me not to take any of these things for granted.


A year ago my best friend and her family lost most of their money and her home. Just like that after having a beautiful home and a big factory. They were left with no home, no money and a non-working factory. You can imagine how difficult it was for them and having to live in friends home. This teached me how to never take my family’s money and my home for granted and to appreciate that money and know a lot of people are not lucky enough to have it. The money i spend in a month can be pretty enough to solve some of people problems. I am not a spoiled brat i swear but a little amount for me or for you can be huge for someone else. It teached me to stop spending my money on unimportant things and to appreciate how hard my dad works to bring us this money, I haven’t actually went real shopping in 3 month and anyone who know’s me know’s i am a shopaholic. So, appreciate the money you have and spend it wisely in order not to wish one day you did.


Recently my other best friend parents are filing for a divorce. I can never imagine what she is going there. Having been in that situation but thank god my parents backed down and made up truley opened my eye’s about that issue and how badly it can affect you. I never ever thought aboout my parents getting a divorce or splitting up. It never crossed my mind so, i never really understood how horrible it is and how again not to take a happy family for granted. If you’re parents love and understand each other be grateful for that and appreciate it because some people wish for it, They pray all the time for it. So, dont take your family for granted and wish they always stay together and happy.


Don’t worry this will not be another best friend story. This is my brother’s story. So, ever since my brother was a kid he suffered from a big health problem and for a while the medicine wasn’t even available but, thank god it is now. So, as long as he takes his medicine hopefully everything so going to be fine but sometimes it doesn’t. So, appreciate it your body and how great it works, appreciate it your beating heart and appreciate your life.

So, moral of all these stories is to not take anything for granted and to appreciate what you have. And if you’ve been through any similar situation i wish you the best and i hope you learned for it. Understand that i am not telling you this to gain your compassion or sympathy. I just want you to learn and be grateful. I will see you all next time, Byeeeeee 🙂

Lost …

I’m lost …. I keep collecting the pieces of my heart

but with no use they’re already broken

you keep me hanging … you keep me thinking this is the end

but it seems to be NO END

The pain is endless …. the days are longer

I am too young but i feel so old

I don’t know if this is my life but it seems to be everyones life

Wither they now it or not they’re miserable … just like me

But it feels so hard to say it .. to tell it .. to live it

So, you keep acting .. you keep drawing on who you are and start painting who they want

But that’s not what they want … it’s you what they want

That’s what they hate the most you …. so YOU hate YOU

cause they are right … they’re always will

cause they’re the pretty one’s

and everyone wants to be pretty

When will we realize the truth

when will realize that she’s not that pretty and he’s not that handsome

And that we are not that innocent


Dear, me

I am feeling so down right now. I know that’s normal and I’ve been really happy for a while now. So, I saw that coming but, as always I’ve no idea what’s wrong. But all I know is that I hate it here, I hate it so much. No matter how much I love this place and how much I love my family and friends. I hate living here. There’s so many places I would rather be at now and there is so  many things I would love to do. I would love to travel, to experience new thing, to meet new people and to work. I feel like I am trying so hard but still this is not what I want. I want adventure and success and I am never gonna get it from this room, this house and this country. I wanna travel, I wanna live on my own and if that is what I wanna do. Then, that’s what is going to happen. And as my role model Blair Waldorf says ”If you want something you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it”. I know I have to finish college until I go anywhere but, until then I am determined to have the time of my life. I will work so hard, I will achieve my dreams, I will keep writing and I will keep exploring. My dreams is all i got and i am no gonna give up on them.This may be hard but it’s worth it and i have to be worthy of being human

Don’t ever give up your dreams for anyone or anything. You are the only one who matters. And you don’t need anyone you have you. That’s enough. Dream on, dream on, dream until the dream come true.

This made me feel so much better and i want you to feel better. So, tell me in the comments below what’s on your mind, what’s your dreams and how you plan on making them true and if your facing any struggles. If you don’t mind sharing of course. And if you mind maybe write it and keep it for yourself.Thank you so much for reading and i will see you all next time, Byeeee 🙂 🙂

(ps. I wrote a similar post titled ” Dear, young me ” a message to my younger self. I got great feedback out of that post. I would love if you guy’s checked it out, thanks)

The secret for happiness

We are all searching for happiness. That one thing that makes everything better. Happiness have different forms and shapes and it differs from someone to another, but the feeling remains the same, but i believe everything have a secret and the secret also differs from someone to another.                                                                                                                       So, i asked 10 people what they think is the secret of happiness and some answers weresimilar and some were completely different, but i think they all bring happiness, Here is the answers

The secret is trying not to worry much about the future and being happy with what you have but still being a little ambitious.

It’s not allowing others to hurt\abuse you.

It’s having supporting friends and family that love you no matter what and doing the things you love

It’s ignoring the people that hurt you.

It’s seeing the good side of everything and being realistic.

It’s inner peace.

It’s finding a significant other and being in love.

It’s listening to the voice of your heart and following it.

It’s helping others.

It’s believing in God.

It’s positive thinking.

And finally after a long journey i discovered my secret. Its chasing dreams and achieving them no matter, it’s becoming successful and helping others trying to make them happy

Now you tell me what’s your secret, I would love to know. So, feel free to tell me in the comment section down below, BYEEEEEEE and i will see you all next time.

I believe ………

I believe that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger …… I believe that pain is necessary but also temporary and that life comes in seasons

I believe that we are all equal men, women, straight, gay, bi , black or white ….. we are all human

I believe in speaking my mind, saying what i feel is right

I believe we should all love ourselves more  …. we should all spend more time alone thinking … i believe we should learn to survive on our own

I believe in taking risks because we only live once and without some danger life is just boring

I believe in god and my religion but i also believe people have the right to believe in any religion … and i believe atheists have the right not to believe ….. And I believe we should all be okay with that

I believe in dreaming, planning, working and building a life

I believe we all have a choice

I believe that none of us are perfect nor ever will

I believe gay people should have the right to get married anywhere

I believe we should all stop searching for lovers or forcing love … love will come when its turn to enter your life

I believe in good music and good taste

I believe in laughing and smiling to strangers

I believe we should all do what we want to do and what we love

I believe that us women our rights are take away from us and we should all start doing something about it

I believe in being kind and honest no matter what

I believe that everything happens for a reason

I believe that there is love everywhere

I believe that happiness is a choice

I believe in failing and trying again

I believe no one have the right to judge

And finally i believe we all got something to say and we all got beliefs. So, tell me what do you believe in. I would love to know so feel free to tell me anything in the comment section down below and i will see you all next time,Byeeeeeee 🙂

My first award

This month i received my first award which is so exciting. It was a normal day i was going to bed but i checked my blog first to find that i am nominated for ” Versatile blogger award ” by the amazing Nature lover, thank you so much. I am very happy and this is a wonderful feeling and thats why i plan to share it with some of you guys.

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  3. State 7 things about yourself
  4. Nominate other bloggers for the award.
  5. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them.
  6. Display the award logo on your blog.

Here are seven things about myself

1. I love reading.

2. I’m a shopaholic.

3. I love spending time with my self.

4. Chuck bass is my dream man.

5. New york is my favorite city.

6. I want to be a physiotherapist.

7. English is not my first language but i am in love with it and i can speak it fluently.

My nominees are:

1. The art town https://theraotown.wordpress.com/

2. Natasha B https://tashab95.wordpress.com/

3. shruti gopinath https://iamyourtwilightstar.wordpress.com/

4. Arts art’s https://artartz.wordpress.com/

5. Anagha https://livedreamlovelife.wordpress.com/

6. Thoughtfulstroll http://thoughtfulstroll.com

7. Josh wrenn https://myfridayblog.wordpress.com/

8. E https://orionfirefly.wordpress.com/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     10. Sherina speaks https://sherinaspeaks.wordpress.com/

11. The grey eye https://thegreyeye.wordpress.com/

Thanks again for Nature lover https://valiantwarrior.wordpress.com/

for nominating me and thanks to all my followers and everyone who reads my posts. I love you so much and i hope i am able to have a good impact ion your life and help you during your journey. Bye guys and i will see you next time 🙂

My march

This month i am not gonna do the same as before because honestly i didn’t do anything exciting this month and i was busy with school work and exams but still i’ve got something to say. Many things actually.
This month i learned and realized a lot of thing that i would love to share with all of you
1-Happiness is a choice                                                                                                                                                               I can choose to be happy no matter what the circumstances of my life are. That choice really changed my life. It made it better, it made me better. And for that i am so grateful and i hope more people are brave enough to make this decision because it will improve their lives drastically and remember that life is too short to miss on being really happy.

2-I make my own rules                                                                                                                                                                 No one have the right to tell me how to live my life  or what to do and what not to do. I make my own rules  and my own decisions. I should decide what’s good for me and what’s bad and no one have the right to interfere. Advices are acceptable but you should remember that it’s only an advice. At the end you chose. At the end you make the rules

3-Some times you have to let go                                                                                                                                             Sometimes no matter how much you love someone you have to let him go. Because they are just bad for you. And sometimes they make you a bad person or less like you and more like them. And that’s the last thing you want. You don’t want to lose yourself because YOU are all you’ve got . You are unique why let someone change that. OR Sometimes because they  don’t give back. They don’t give back your love, your honesty, loyalty and time. They just don’t give it back. So, why waste your on someone unworthy of it.

4-Dream big                                                                                                                                                                               if you’re gonna dream then dream big .

I would love to know your opinion on this and what you’ve learned this last month . So,feel free to write anything in the comments section down below, byeeeee 🙂