My march

This month i am not gonna do the same as before because honestly i didn’t do anything exciting this month and i was busy with school work and exams but still i’ve got something to say. Many things actually.
This month i learned and realized a lot of thing that i would love to share with all of you
1-Happiness is a choice                                                                                                                                                               I can choose to be happy no matter what the circumstances of my life are. That choice really changed my life. It made it better, it made me better. And for that i am so grateful and i hope more people are brave enough to make this decision because it will improve their lives drastically and remember that life is too short to miss on being really happy.

2-I make my own rules                                                                                                                                                                 No one have the right to tell me how to live my life  or what to do and what not to do. I make my own rules  and my own decisions. I should decide what’s good for me and what’s bad and no one have the right to interfere. Advices are acceptable but you should remember that it’s only an advice. At the end you chose. At the end you make the rules

3-Some times you have to let go                                                                                                                                             Sometimes no matter how much you love someone you have to let him go. Because they are just bad for you. And sometimes they make you a bad person or less like you and more like them. And that’s the last thing you want. You don’t want to lose yourself because YOU are all you’ve got . You are unique why let someone change that. OR Sometimes because they  don’t give back. They don’t give back your love, your honesty, loyalty and time. They just don’t give it back. So, why waste your on someone unworthy of it.

4-Dream big                                                                                                                                                                               if you’re gonna dream then dream big .

I would love to know your opinion on this and what you’ve learned this last month . So,feel free to write anything in the comments section down below, byeeeee 🙂

Lost boy

I saw him there on the roof , trembling upon the edge of truth

with it all coming back to him just like the wind blew his heart

He was thinking about this world wether its worth it or not

Life kept swallowing him hard … hard to believe he is never gonna get

Tears was coming through his eyes filled with memories of his life

He thought he was the mistake for what he never knew

He was wondering alone in this world trying to keep some laughter trying …  to make some sense

But he don’t … he never did .. he never understood how some shallow people and some twisted lies could make a life

And how two people could make a family maybe it is but not in his world

His world is filled with beauty ,honesty and HUMANS .. I guess after all there is a huge difference between people and humans

Humanity is being lost by people … humans are being lost by people

He looks at everyone he knows wondering why they met … asking himself about the truth

The truth he was always to blind to see

He feels so lonely in a house full of people and a world full of crowds whom he can’t seem to notice what they are screaming about

He wish he could just escape

A new place and a new name that’s all it takes

He is struggling …. that’s all i can say .