Things they don’t teach you in high school

They teach us a lot of things in high school but we end up using nothing of what we learned in real life. I never find my self using any of the information i learned from school. And there’s a lot of things i wish i learned school like HOW TO HANDLE A PROBLEM or HOW TO COOK or HOW TO ORGANIZE THINGS but don’t worry today i am gonna teach you things they don’t teach you in high school

1.How to go through a bad breakup:                                                                                                                                           I Can’t say i am the best to give advice for this matter  but my friends has been to a few bad breakups so, i understand. first thing realize that it’s his lost. You are amazing anyone would be lucky to be with you and if he can’t notice that then, he is really not worth your time, your tears or your mascara. Cause come on if you put makeup on you know a good mascara can get a little pricy and we both know no one is worth finishing your mascara on. secondly try to FORGET HIM and i know this may be a little hard but train yourself to do it cause practice makes perfect and you can’t forget about him if the background of your computer you and him holding hands or you showed up to work late because you spent the last night going through not only his instagram but his friends and family. I am not gonna lie to you but it’s not gonna work that way. You need to erase every picture, throw any gifts and delete his number. That’s the only way you will forget about it. Last but definitely not least watch a lot of movies with a lot of hot guys in it so you realize how bad he look even if he is not compared to them and now all you will be able to think about is how hot zac efron looks in Bad Neighbors, you will not even be able to think about him because zac efron had took over your mind, God now i have problems getting zac efron out of my mind. And remember i told you i am not the best in this matter i am making an effort here okay

2. How to save money                                                                                                                                                                 My name is salwa and i am a shopaholic, My 2 favorite places are zara and h.m. They are like a second home for me. The smallest amount of time i spent there was 30 min and i can’t tell you how bad i felt about it, it broke my heart. I normally spend from 1 to 2 hours and if i am lucky 3. Now no one wants to go out with me, they claim i am insane, i love clothes more than i love them and they can’t handle walking for 5 hours without food. well, clearly they are they are the insane one’s who needs food when he can have clothes. Well actually i am insane and that’ why i decided to recover and today i am gonna tell you my secrets. I try my own clothes at least once a week, that way i satisfy my need to go to fitting rooms and try clothes on. Another thing that really helps is i try to create new outfits from my own clothes that way i feel like i already bought new clothes. Another tip on how to save more money is i like to hid my money in books, yass you read right. I like to hide some cash in my old books and later on i forget about them and when i find them it’s such a great feeling and i am thinking about doing it in cds too because that book thing is getting obvious for me.

3.How to solve a problem                                                                                                                                                                I will tell you what works for me. when i have a problem i like to sit alone and think about it. I think about what happened and i ask myself  was it my fault or their fault and don’t act like you don’t talk to yourself cause at some point we really need some expert advice. The next step is asking for other’s advice and opinions. At last i like to think more with my friends opinion’s in mind until i come up with my solution.Then i study my solution and try to visualize what will happen in case i tried it and at the end i find the answer for my problem.And always just like in math every problem must have a solution.

Taking things for granted

We are always taking things for granted like we own it. We act like it’s our property and don’t appreciate it but, what we don’t know is that it can easily be taken away from  us. And when that happens we will be left alone with nothing and we will feel great regret for not appreciating what we had and not trying to make the most of it.

we take a lot of things for granted but the top 3 things we take for granted are Money, family and health and for each one of these things i have a story that taught me not to take any of these things for granted.


A year ago my best friend and her family lost most of their money and her home. Just like that after having a beautiful home and a big factory. They were left with no home, no money and a non-working factory. You can imagine how difficult it was for them and having to live in friends home. This teached me how to never take my family’s money and my home for granted and to appreciate that money and know a lot of people are not lucky enough to have it. The money i spend in a month can be pretty enough to solve some of people problems. I am not a spoiled brat i swear but a little amount for me or for you can be huge for someone else. It teached me to stop spending my money on unimportant things and to appreciate how hard my dad works to bring us this money, I haven’t actually went real shopping in 3 month and anyone who know’s me know’s i am a shopaholic. So, appreciate the money you have and spend it wisely in order not to wish one day you did.


Recently my other best friend parents are filing for a divorce. I can never imagine what she is going there. Having been in that situation but thank god my parents backed down and made up truley opened my eye’s about that issue and how badly it can affect you. I never ever thought aboout my parents getting a divorce or splitting up. It never crossed my mind so, i never really understood how horrible it is and how again not to take a happy family for granted. If you’re parents love and understand each other be grateful for that and appreciate it because some people wish for it, They pray all the time for it. So, dont take your family for granted and wish they always stay together and happy.


Don’t worry this will not be another best friend story. This is my brother’s story. So, ever since my brother was a kid he suffered from a big health problem and for a while the medicine wasn’t even available but, thank god it is now. So, as long as he takes his medicine hopefully everything so going to be fine but sometimes it doesn’t. So, appreciate it your body and how great it works, appreciate it your beating heart and appreciate your life.

So, moral of all these stories is to not take anything for granted and to appreciate what you have. And if you’ve been through any similar situation i wish you the best and i hope you learned for it. Understand that i am not telling you this to gain your compassion or sympathy. I just want you to learn and be grateful. I will see you all next time, Byeeeeee 🙂