Things they don’t teach you in high school

They teach us a lot of things in high school but we end up using nothing of what we learned in real life. I never find my self using any of the information i learned from school. And there’s a lot of things i wish i learned school like HOW TO HANDLE A PROBLEM or HOW TO COOK or HOW TO ORGANIZE THINGS but don’t worry today i am gonna teach you things they don’t teach you in high school

1.How to go through a bad breakup:                                                                                                                                           I Can’t say i am the best to give advice for this matter  but my friends has been to a few bad breakups so, i understand. first thing realize that it’s his lost. You are amazing anyone would be lucky to be with you and if he can’t notice that then, he is really not worth your time, your tears or your mascara. Cause come on if you put makeup on you know a good mascara can get a little pricy and we both know no one is worth finishing your mascara on. secondly try to FORGET HIM and i know this may be a little hard but train yourself to do it cause practice makes perfect and you can’t forget about him if the background of your computer you and him holding hands or you showed up to work late because you spent the last night going through not only his instagram but his friends and family. I am not gonna lie to you but it’s not gonna work that way. You need to erase every picture, throw any gifts and delete his number. That’s the only way you will forget about it. Last but definitely not least watch a lot of movies with a lot of hot guys in it so you realize how bad he look even if he is not compared to them and now all you will be able to think about is how hot zac efron looks in Bad Neighbors, you will not even be able to think about him because zac efron had took over your mind, God now i have problems getting zac efron out of my mind. And remember i told you i am not the best in this matter i am making an effort here okay

2. How to save money                                                                                                                                                                 My name is salwa and i am a shopaholic, My 2 favorite places are zara and h.m. They are like a second home for me. The smallest amount of time i spent there was 30 min and i can’t tell you how bad i felt about it, it broke my heart. I normally spend from 1 to 2 hours and if i am lucky 3. Now no one wants to go out with me, they claim i am insane, i love clothes more than i love them and they can’t handle walking for 5 hours without food. well, clearly they are they are the insane one’s who needs food when he can have clothes. Well actually i am insane and that’ why i decided to recover and today i am gonna tell you my secrets. I try my own clothes at least once a week, that way i satisfy my need to go to fitting rooms and try clothes on. Another thing that really helps is i try to create new outfits from my own clothes that way i feel like i already bought new clothes. Another tip on how to save more money is i like to hid my money in books, yass you read right. I like to hide some cash in my old books and later on i forget about them and when i find them it’s such a great feeling and i am thinking about doing it in cds too because that book thing is getting obvious for me.

3.How to solve a problem                                                                                                                                                                I will tell you what works for me. when i have a problem i like to sit alone and think about it. I think about what happened and i ask myself  was it my fault or their fault and don’t act like you don’t talk to yourself cause at some point we really need some expert advice. The next step is asking for other’s advice and opinions. At last i like to think more with my friends opinion’s in mind until i come up with my solution.Then i study my solution and try to visualize what will happen in case i tried it and at the end i find the answer for my problem.And always just like in math every problem must have a solution.

My first award

This month i received my first award which is so exciting. It was a normal day i was going to bed but i checked my blog first to find that i am nominated for ” Versatile blogger award ” by the amazing Nature lover, thank you so much. I am very happy and this is a wonderful feeling and thats why i plan to share it with some of you guys.

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  3. State 7 things about yourself
  4. Nominate other bloggers for the award.
  5. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them.
  6. Display the award logo on your blog.

Here are seven things about myself

1. I love reading.

2. I’m a shopaholic.

3. I love spending time with my self.

4. Chuck bass is my dream man.

5. New york is my favorite city.

6. I want to be a physiotherapist.

7. English is not my first language but i am in love with it and i can speak it fluently.

My nominees are:

1. The art town

2. Natasha B

3. shruti gopinath

4. Arts art’s

5. Anagha

6. Thoughtfulstroll

7. Josh wrenn

8. E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     10. Sherina speaks

11. The grey eye

Thanks again for Nature lover

for nominating me and thanks to all my followers and everyone who reads my posts. I love you so much and i hope i am able to have a good impact ion your life and help you during your journey. Bye guys and i will see you next time 🙂