Dear, me

I am feeling so down right now. I know that’s normal and I’ve been really happy for a while now. So, I saw that coming but, as always I’ve no idea what’s wrong. But all I know is that I hate it here, I hate it so much. No matter how much I love this place and how much I love my family and friends. I hate living here. There’s so many places I would rather be at now and there is so  many things I would love to do. I would love to travel, to experience new thing, to meet new people and to work. I feel like I am trying so hard but still this is not what I want. I want adventure and success and I am never gonna get it from this room, this house and this country. I wanna travel, I wanna live on my own and if that is what I wanna do. Then, that’s what is going to happen. And as my role model Blair Waldorf says ”If you want something you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it”. I know I have to finish college until I go anywhere but, until then I am determined to have the time of my life. I will work so hard, I will achieve my dreams, I will keep writing and I will keep exploring. My dreams is all i got and i am no gonna give up on them.This may be hard but it’s worth it and i have to be worthy of being human

Don’t ever give up your dreams for anyone or anything. You are the only one who matters. And you don’t need anyone you have you. That’s enough. Dream on, dream on, dream until the dream come true.

This made me feel so much better and i want you to feel better. So, tell me in the comments below what’s on your mind, what’s your dreams and how you plan on making them true and if your facing any struggles. If you don’t mind sharing of course. And if you mind maybe write it and keep it for yourself.Thank you so much for reading and i will see you all next time, Byeeee 🙂 🙂

(ps. I wrote a similar post titled ” Dear, young me ” a message to my younger self. I got great feedback out of that post. I would love if you guy’s checked it out, thanks)

live everyday like its your las

Our problem in life is that we are always delaying living it thinking we have got so much time left. No matter how close our death might be we still think it’s so far away. we still think we can start working tomorrow or the day after that or maybe next month, next year because we’ve still got time. But the truth is that you don’t know if you’ve got time or not. you don’t know if you are gonna take that next breath and you don’t if you are gonna wake up tomorrow. So, stop procrastinating and delaying everything because you’re never sure how many seconds you’ve got left so start now. Live everyday like it’s your last day on earth. Stop delaying happiness, adventure,work and life. If this truly is your last day on earth, what will you do? The answer for this question cannot be delayed. You have to get up and do it. If you truly wanna live.