Taking things for granted

We are always taking things for granted like we own it. We act like it’s our property and don’t appreciate it but, what we don’t know is that it can easily be taken away from  us. And when that happens we will be left alone with nothing and we will feel great regret for not appreciating what we had and not trying to make the most of it.

we take a lot of things for granted but the top 3 things we take for granted are Money, family and health and for each one of these things i have a story that taught me not to take any of these things for granted.


A year ago my best friend and her family lost most of their money and her home. Just like that after having a beautiful home and a big factory. They were left with no home, no money and a non-working factory. You can imagine how difficult it was for them and having to live in friends home. This teached me how to never take my family’s money and my home for granted and to appreciate that money and know a lot of people are not lucky enough to have it. The money i spend in a month can be pretty enough to solve some of people problems. I am not a spoiled brat i swear but a little amount for me or for you can be huge for someone else. It teached me to stop spending my money on unimportant things and to appreciate how hard my dad works to bring us this money, I haven’t actually went real shopping in 3 month and anyone who know’s me know’s i am a shopaholic. So, appreciate the money you have and spend it wisely in order not to wish one day you did.


Recently my other best friend parents are filing for a divorce. I can never imagine what she is going there. Having been in that situation but thank god my parents backed down and made up truley opened my eye’s about that issue and how badly it can affect you. I never ever thought aboout my parents getting a divorce or splitting up. It never crossed my mind so, i never really understood how horrible it is and how again not to take a happy family for granted. If you’re parents love and understand each other be grateful for that and appreciate it because some people wish for it, They pray all the time for it. So, dont take your family for granted and wish they always stay together and happy.


Don’t worry this will not be another best friend story. This is my brother’s story. So, ever since my brother was a kid he suffered from a big health problem and for a while the medicine wasn’t even available but, thank god it is now. So, as long as he takes his medicine hopefully everything so going to be fine but sometimes it doesn’t. So, appreciate it your body and how great it works, appreciate it your beating heart and appreciate your life.

So, moral of all these stories is to not take anything for granted and to appreciate what you have. And if you’ve been through any similar situation i wish you the best and i hope you learned for it. Understand that i am not telling you this to gain your compassion or sympathy. I just want you to learn and be grateful. I will see you all next time, Byeeeeee 🙂

46 thoughts on “Taking things for granted

  1. Very well said. Perhaps I could add:
    Money – Creates far more problems than it solves. Always remember those in less fortunate circumstances.
    Family – Friends and lovers will come and go, but you will always have your family. Respect them for the special people that they are.
    Health – Live a healthy lifestyle because you only have one body and it has to last you a long time. While taking care of yourself provides no guarantees of a trouble-free life, it will certainly increase your chances.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Colin, I am so half you liked it, it means to have your approval. And that’s a great addition and I am glad you shared it so people can read it and learn more. And I totally agree with you that friends and lovers come and go but family is always there and we should be grateful for that and I agree with everything else too 🙂 🙂 thank you for reading 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. all the 3 things you mentioned forms an integral part of life and taking these things for granted will eventually lead to a miserable life .
    People do not want to be financially literate. may be lack of awareness.
    b) they fall into trap of instant gratification and spend a lot on unnecessary things .
    c) they do no do their financial planning well .
    The major reason whey they fail miserably financially

    you cannot ignore them and take them for granted for they are the one who will be with u in all phases of life. if you do not give importance , who will support u when u need them
    Tell your friends and family what you are doing.
    Get as much support behind you as possible.Having a support network will keep you
    focused, motivated and inspired.

    i say respect your body . know things which makes you healthy.
    eat balanced diet, excercise and keep yourself motivated .
    do not take this for granted is what i say to all the people
    thank you so much for this blog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. This means a lot to me an I couldn’t agree more with you especially how a lot of people don’t do their financial planning well and that’s a huge mistake. Even if you have a lot of money you have to spend
      It wisely and to leave some for the future because we can never know what will happen then. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts and tips 🙂 🙂 Have a nice day

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on theonlysup and commented:
    The 3 basic things you should never take it for granted are Family, money and health.
    Sit down now and
    write out a list of all that you have in your life. Start first with your
    health or your family – the things we often take for granted.
    go through this list and see what difference is it making in your life when you give importance to all these 3 things

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so so much, you literally made my day. I am so happy and when I saw this I skipped half a best from all the happiness and excitement. I can’t belive you would reblog this, thank you so much, it means a lot to me 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Well said bro
    Sometimes the world seems coming down and everything seems to be utterly bad, but there are only 3 vital things that one should be concerned about and plan. Family – Health – Money.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and Yess we should always have a plan because you will go nowhere without a plan and we should always be concerned and grateful about these things, thank you a mch for reading and sharing your opinion, it means a lot to me 🙂 🙂 Have a nice day 🙂


  5. So true. Taking for granted has become our habit and we have stopped showing gratitude towards things we are lucky to have . There are many unfortunate people but they value the life most. But we can only learn gratitude when we know its importance which is possible only in one condition that is loosing that thing. I believe in it though you may not. Anyways this was amazingly written.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Definite words of wisdom there! Appreciation certainly comes after loss however, maturing with age as a responsible adult also offers less traumatic opportunities to appreciate things. A child has no knowledge of life “on the streets”, or life in other countries however, an adult is regularly exposed to this via the news media. The question has to be asked “When you see a street person, do you wonder what happened in their life to get there? Do you simply “block out” the event as unpalatable?”. When you see starving, disease ridden people on the news, do you change the channel? Do you check your financial situation to see if you can help in some small way? Does your particular spiritual belief support and encourage helping the less fortunate?
      We don’t have to lose all our money in order to appreciate it, but we do have to have a social conscience and recognize that there are many people a lot worse off than us. Happiness comes from within. Self serving only causes frustration and bitterness. A life that is driven by possessing things, is a very shallow life.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well i totally agree with you. We can analyze the situation because we know about that. And yes many a times we ignore these people instead of doing something about. Thank you for making me realize that . I will remember these words for sure


      2. I remember hearing a story (true) about a woman who used to regularly go into the poorer areas of her city and find where the kids play areas were. Typically there would be a some basic play structures surrounded by sand. She used to get there early in the morning and throw all her loose change over the sand ….. and then find a place nearby and just watch. Imagine a child, who has close to nothing, suddenly finding money! To a small child, small change is a gift from heaven. Most of us really do not need the small change which is currently in our pockets. It could make some people very happy! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Oh my god this incident is so good, thank you for sharing it. Your view really inspire me a lot and would be glad to experience the joy of giving. Thank you

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you so much saloni for reading and sharing your beautiful thoughts. I enjoyed reading your opinion on this and I agree except that we don’t always have to lose the things so we can value it, sometimes we can by seeing others losing it or understanding the importance of it, any ways thanks again and I really appreciate your point if view 🙂 🙂 have a nice day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much darshith for the kind words, I am really glad you like and found it somewhat beneficial, it means a lot to me and thank you so much for reading 🙂 🙂 Have a nice day 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good day to you too Salwa 🙂 your post is really great and how in your small yet important ways you tried to let us know the importance of 3 essential things 😉 finally weekend so glad 😀


      2. Thank you and yeah weekend I didn’t realize it was being sick makes me unaware of a lot of thing like what day it is 🙂
        But I hope you enjoy
        Your weekend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I don’t understand the last sentence but I am fine just a cold but a very annoying one and it doesn’t seem to go always, I literally sound like a 30 year old man. Hopefully today if will get better 🙂 🙂 thanks for asking 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. 30 year old? I thought it to be 50 😛 ( kidding 😉 ) and from which place are you? I wrote the last sentence in Hindi ( national language of India) and good take some extra rest today and you will be all fine today I guess 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I know it was Indian but I don’t know a single word even though I’ve watched about 15 Indian movie throughout my life, I am Egyptian 🙂 and I feel like I will be better today 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. 15 Indian movies? I haven’t watched so many Indian movies myself 😀 Egyptian ok good. I got a new friend from a new part of the world 🙂 Good you will be fine today and if not watch another Indian movie may be it will act as a catalyst for your better health 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yeah I love Indian movie my favorites parts where they sing and dance, it’s beautiful an energetic it makes you wanna sing and dance even if you suck at them but thank god I am way better now so no one will be disturbed by my loud BUT beautiful voice ( kidding ) 🙂 thanks darshith 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      8. You suck at dancing and singing? I won’t take that 😛 yeah Indian movies are fun but in most movies there is nothing to learn or good storyline also hence I avoid most 😀 loud voice? Beautiful voice ok 😛 welcome Salwa 🙂 you just enjoy life for yourself 😉 I personally love dancing and have done many stage performances 😀 ans singing is in everyone’s blood no matter the loud voice 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      9. I love dancing too but i am not a good a dancer and stage performances thats great 🙂 i did some at my school and it was so much fun but what i loved the most was reciting poetry and i was actually good at it unlike dancing 🙂 and yeah true we all love to song no matter how bad are voice is 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      10. You don’t have to be good enough in some art to love it 😀 I myself love dancing and have given many stage performances 😛 last one was October, 2014. Poetry was never my forte in school days or now but I don’t know how I am able to write some poems 😉 God only knows when I try to write it becomes a poem no matter what 🙂 my mail ID is ‘darsh0000@gmail.com’ you can mail me there for anything if you want !!


      11. Really that’s great, weirdly I am never very good at poetry and I barely write poems my last one was nearly a yer ago and yeah Ofcourse I would love too 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      12. Good at least you tried for poetry 😉 and yeah you can mail me and I can try to reply you asap 😀 mails are such a thing which I barely like but I can reply not a problem 😉 have you seen BREAKING BAD? I m thinking of starting that series next 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      13. No I have never seen it, may be we can start watching together 🙂 🙂 that would be great and share our thoughts about it and I know we will love different characters you will the good people and I would the evil and bad ones 😉 Hahhaha that’s what I feel 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      14. The protagonist is the bad & evil one so we both will like the same character 😀 yes sure we should do that !! After ur exams are over tell me who h series you will start and I will download it and we can watch. You will complete it far early than me as it will take time for me to complete 😦 but yeah we can share our thoughts on it 😉 and that’d be fun 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      15. Yeah I will complete it first, remember how I told you I was super women I have the ability to finish up to 10 episodes in one day but I will try to go slow for you 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      16. Oh great !! Thank you so much 😛 Phew I was worried How was i gonna compete 😉 But, its of no use I will say because I was to see just 1 episode of Game of Thrones today & couldn’t do it 😀 WIll watch tomorrow 😛 You can watch at your own speed & tell me in advance what all happens 😀


  6. Hi, you asked me how to show your blogger award in your blog. Please go to the widgets > image> copy the image URL from the blogger award logo in your post > paste it into the image URL in image widget , then it will show in your profile 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much himali. Your words really mean a lot to me and they allowed some light to enter my day, and I am really glad you liked it. I am doing the best I can and it’s am amazing feeling to know that someone out there appreciate your work. Thank you so much again 🙂 🙂 and I hope you have a great day filled with happiness 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. @Salwaadly, I can understand.. I have been through days like these and I know how much it means.. like drops of rain and sunshine 🙂 wish u all the very best with everything.. Lots of love, good wishes and prayers with u !

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